Monday, May 07, 2018

Things are Okay

In view of a couple of emails I have gotten, please know that things are okay. My brother is in town so I am spending a considerable amount of time with him and am away from the blog and other things. We also had to go to Probate Court Two of Dallas County this morning and have the hearing about our Mom's will. It was stressful and upsetting, but the judge and her staff were wonderful with us. Such an excursion does a number on me so that is why I wasn't online much of today.

He is here for the week and we have things to accomplish so my presence here will continue to be a bit erratic in the short term. A lack of posts and/or a lack of activity on FB and elsewhere, does not mean--at least right now--that I am wallowing in grief. It just means we are spending time together and trying to handle some things that have been delayed a very long time with everything here.

1 comment:

Carol N Wong said...

Glad that your brother is there. I had to do the court stuff on my mother's will. Took at little over a year. It was exhauasting. I was cleaning out and sorting at the same days. The judge was great. I did not care for the attorney who prepared her will. He actually made terrible jokes about the dead. He has died since then. Hope that you and your brother get some time to talk and rest.